General Information for All Behavior Problems:
Treatment for behavior problems can often be a lengthy and time-consuming process. Change will not happen overnight and may take several months to years, depending on the severity and length of time the behavior problem has been present.
Successful outcomes are dependent on diligent owners and open communication with our office about progress.
Behavior problems can be frustrating and embarrassing. Many owners express sadness over not having the “ideal” pet they envisioned when adopting their companion. You may find it helpful to seek professional counseling for yourself and your family for assistance in coping with the reality of your pet’s diagnosis.
It is important to understand basic behavior and learning patterns for our pets in order to be successful moving forward. First, we like to address the top 10 Life-Threatening Behavior Myths. Society is full of misconceptions and old wives' tales. For more information for dogs, read: You Aren't a Dog.
As a pet parent, your role is to provide structure and predictability in the same way you might a young child or toddler. If a dog or cat does not perform the behavior you would desire, there are typically 3 reasons why: they don't understand what you want, their level of arousal/stress is too high to focus on an appropriate response, and/or there is a negative connotation associated with a particular cue/command.
It is often helpful to develop a behavior chart or journal so you can track progress over time. When you live and interact with a pet on a daily basis, it is difficult to see the gradual improvements your pet makes. Consider recording routine behaviors around the house every few weeks and comparing them as treatment progresses.