Phone Consultations for Prospective Clients
Meeting with a veterinary behaviorist can be daunting. You likely need to wait several weeks to be seen, it is expensive, time consuming, and emotional taxing at times. This is why we offer Phone Consultations. These are designed for non-clients or soon-to-be-clients that might need...
immediate help to implement "damage control" until your pet can be assessed by a doctor.
perspective on the treatability of your pet's condition. Maybe you're unsure if ABWC can help.
the opportunity to pick a professional's brain. Maybe you have a new puppy and want to ensure you're on the right track. We can help!
a compassionate ear to listen to your challenges, a friendly voice to discuss and evaluate your unique situation, the gentle guidance of a certified professional to provide non-judgmental feedback and develop points of action.
These appointments require no paperwork, no obligations, no strings attached. 30 minutes of a behavior professional's time to talk about anything you want. Click on the button below to email us a request, or call us at 888-438-0788, ext. 2 to schedule now.
Megan Housby, LVT, and Lindsay Taylor, CPDT-KA
Phone Consultations: $95 for 30 minutes