Animal Behavior Wellness Center focuses on the use of positive reinforcement as the primary consequence when teaching new behaviors. At no time do we condone the use of punishment, correction, or aversive training techniques. The definition of punishment is anything that stops a behavior from occurring and/or decreases the chances of it being repeated in the future.
Punishment based training techniques increase fear, anxiety, and arousal. It can also put the user at risk for being the target of aggression.
Discontinue use of all punishment and aversive training devices, including penny cans, scruffing, water bottles, squirt guns, chain bags, verbal scolding, spanking, and swatting.
Why Punishment Fails
What is Behavior Modification?
Specialized training techniques employed to teach your pet how you do want them to behave in these difficult situations.
When do you start?
For many of our patients, they will not be prepared for true behavior modification for several weeks.
What can I do in the meantime?
Manage (avoid) the trigger for the behavior
In preparation for behavior modification, however, please watch our Learning & Behavior Modification Video.
Introduction to Marker Training
Learn how to use marker training in your behavior modification regimen.